© Sophie Hegewald

Artist in Residence Lower Austria: March 2025
Nationalität: Spain

Born in Barcelona in 1991, violinist, composer and performer Sara Cubarsi studied baroque violin, composition and performance at the Royal Academy of Music in London, the California Institute of the Arts in Los Angeles and the Academy of Music in Krakow and has been a permanent member of Ensemble Musikfabrik Köln, where she currently lives, since 2019. During her residency, the busy musician would like to compose a new piece with the provisional working title “MELT ME HEART (or the end of desire)” for the new music ensemble Broken Frames Syndicate. The instrumentation will include string quartet, clarinet, bassoon, percussion, electric keyboard, and melting painting. Since 2016, Sara Cubarsi has not only continued the exploration of microtonality and extended just intonation in experimental instrumental settings but has also developed a visual echo that reflects the fragile aspect of “just intonation”, namely by artistically visualizing the changes in the physical states of wax within a painting construct that she makes together with the musical composition. This piece will be a further deepening of her interdisciplinary practice. “MELT ME HEART (or the end of desire)” will be a musical reflection on Eros and its death in our consumer society, a topic inspired by the books of Byung Chul Han and discussed extensively, especially in his work “The Agony of Eros”. The piece will be performed by Ensemble BFS in Frankfurt in September 2025 and the commission is funded by the Kunststiftung NRW.

Website Sara Cubarsi
instagram Sara Cubarsi
YouTube Sara Cubarsi

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