
© Promo
29. März-21.April 2025

Maria W Horn

Die Klangkunst wird im Jahr 2025 im Rahmen des Festivals Imago Dei gezeigt.

Open during the festival Imago Dei.

Panoptikon combines light and electronic sounds with a recorded vocal cycle, initially composed for the discontinued panoptic cell prison Vita Duvan (The White Dove) in Luleå, located in the northernmost region of Sweden. The cycle was composed based on the imagined individual voices of the inmates, represented by vocals coming from various cells of the prison, recorded from the panoptic centre of the building. Together they form a slowly evolving melodic weave, the voices striving to express a common experience. Each voice strives for this commonality, but is hindered by the forced isolation of the prison architecture. The periodical circulation of amber and white lights are reminiscent of the cyclical shift between daylight and darkness.

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